This candle is made up of a mixture of vegetable wax (88%) and fragrance (12%):
- Rapeseed vegetable wax
- Perfume - Fragrance (Grasse): This perfume formula contains 15 natural (🌱) and synthetic (🔬) ingredients:
🔬 Terpenyl acetate
Hesperidea:Zesty, Woody
🔬 Diacetyl
Balsamic:Butter, Hazelnut
🔬 Sulfurol
Woody:Sandalwood, Pecan
🌱 Turpentine Essence
Woody:Coniferous, Peppery
🔬 Hexyl butyrate
Fruity:Buttered, Fat
🌱 Cardamom Essence - Guatemala
Spicy:Peppery, Citral
🔬 Coumarin
Balsamic:Almond, Floral
🔬 Mysore acetate
Woody:Sandalwood, Floral
🔬 Bacdanol
Woody:Sandalwood, amber
🔬 Ethyl Maltol
Leather :Pryogenized, Caramel
🔬 Iso E super
Woody:Iridescent, Earthy
🔬 Methyl cyclo pentenolone
Pyrogenic Leather:Coffee, Smoked
🔬 Methyl brass
Woody:Coconut, Sandalwood
🔬 Vanitrope
Woody:Vanilla, Smoky
🔬 Isopropyl Myristate -Solvent